CEPACS at 50: Towards a Synodal Church in Africa through Social Communications

Marking its 50th anniversary, the Pan African Episcopal Committee for Social Communications (CEPACS) recently held a Symposium in Lagos, Nigeria. This milestone event brought together Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Religious, and communication experts from across Africa. Under the theme 'CEPACS at 50: Towards Promoting a Synodal Church in Africa through Social Communications,' the Symposium aimed to express gratitude, evaluate achievements, and plan for the future. Let's delve into the resolutions and recommendations that emerged from this significant gathering.

Gratitude for 50 Years of CEPACS

Expressing appreciation for the achievements of CEPACS over the past five decades.

CEPACS at 50: Towards a Synodal Church in Africa through Social Communications - 226245567

As we gathered in Lagos, Nigeria, for the 50th Anniversary Symposium of CEPACS, participants took a moment to reflect on the incredible journey of this organization. We expressed deep gratitude for the achievements and impact that CEPACS has had over the past 50 years.

CEPACS has been a unifying force, bringing together Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Religious, and communication experts from across Africa. Through its mission of evangelization and communication, CEPACS has played a vital role in strengthening the faith and fostering unity among the Church in Africa.

Resolutions for a Synodal Church

Outlining the resolutions and recommendations for promoting a synodal Church in Africa.

The Symposium provided an opportunity to reflect on the vision and mission of CEPACS, emphasizing the importance of social communications in deepening faith and fostering a synodal Church in Africa.

Several resolutions and recommendations emerged from the Symposium, highlighting the path forward for CEPACS and the Church in Africa:

Enhancing Awareness and Visibility

CEPACS aims to raise awareness of its mission at all levels of the Church, including regional and national conferences, as well as among Ecclesial communities. By increasing visibility, CEPACS can inspire greater engagement and collaboration in promoting a synodal Church.

Strengthening Operational Structures

CEPACS recognizes the need to develop and strengthen its operational structures across the continent. This will facilitate collective communication and support the synodal journey at various levels, fostering a more unified and coordinated approach.

Capacity-building and Committee Formation

Forming and capacity-building the CEPACS continental Committee is crucial for the future. Defining its relationship with regional and national episcopal conferences will ensure effective collaboration and communication in promoting a synodal Church in Africa.

Strategic Planning

CEPACS aims to develop a robust long-term strategic plan, including an organogram, operational framework, principles, values, Theory of Change, and clearly defined roles for clergy, religious, and lay communication experts. This will provide a roadmap for the future and guide the work of CEPACS.

Reviving Regional Communication Structures

CEPACS recognizes the importance of regional communication structures in fostering collaboration and engagement. By designing and reviving these structures, CEPACS aims to rekindle the interest and commitment of Bishops in various conferences across Africa.

Championing Ethical Discourse

CEPACS is committed to taking the lead in ethical discourse across traditional, modern, and contemporary communication platforms. This includes addressing the ethical implications of new media initiatives like artificial intelligence, ensuring that the Church's voice is present in these important conversations.

Continued Collaboration

CEPACS plans to convene further sessions, whether physical or virtual, with regional bodies' teams of social communication. This ongoing collaboration will help advance the resolutions made and foster a stronger network of communication experts across Africa.

Prioritizing Specialized Training and Digital Media Use

The importance of specialized training for media personnel and adopting appropriate digital media strategies.

Recognizing the evolving landscape of social communications, the Symposium recommended that regional and national conferences prioritize specialized training for media personnel. This training will equip them with the necessary skills to navigate the digital realm effectively.

Additionally, it is crucial for the Church in Africa to adopt appropriate digital media use. By leveraging digital platforms, the Church can reach a wider audience and engage with them in meaningful ways, spreading the message of faith and unity.

Collaboration with SECAM and the Holy See

The importance of collaboration with SECAM and the Holy See's Dicastery for Communication.

CEPACS recognizes the significance of collaboration with the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) and the Holy See's Dicastery for Communication. By fostering strong relationships with these entities, CEPACS can amplify its impact and work towards a synodal Church in Africa.

Through continued collaboration, CEPACS can benefit from the expertise and resources available within SECAM and the Holy See, while also contributing to the broader mission of the Church in Africa.